Days in the Life

May 9, 2003

the River Thames... The river is omnipresent, shaping the city's structure, life and dynamic. On the many hikes I've taken through the city, it seems that I wind up on its banks sooner or later, whether by design or (more often) by happenstance. Somes an obstacle 9where is the nearest bridge?), often a spectacle (such views at sunset!) and always a touchstone (ahh, that's where I am!)... it became a place of comforting familiarity and cool respite.
three views of the Thames... a woman gazes forlornly out into the river, lost in thought at Bankside, near the Tate Modern... the Tower of London, as seen from the river... Gerry views the river from a park adjacent to Parliament, overlooking the Eye of London.

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©2003 Gerry Manacsa