I began this mixed-media journal in 1996. Then, it was one among just a handful of pioneering personal web sites whose creators sought to use the new medium to tell their stories about life and the everyday.
After more than eleven years, I can say that it’s been a wonder-filled journey. I’ve learned much in this process — about the web, about sharing, about the beauty in every small moment, about myself… about living — far more than I could have ever imagined when I posted that first entry. It’s no exaggeration to say that this journal became an integral part of my life, and in many very real ways, came to shape its very direction.
Like all things, though, its season has now passed, and it’s time to move on to other things. My final entry is perhaps the most fitting close to this story. And with that, I’ll just say thanks for coming by… take care…

Gerry Manacsa
September 2007